The Straight Dope: Marijuana and its Consequences

“The Straight Dope: Marijuana and its Consequences” is a compelling, fact-based presentation designed for all audiences to demonstrate the current impacts that today’s legal or quasi-legal marijuana is having upon American society. None of them good—not in the social, medical, political, environmental or criminal justice arenas. Each of these areas will be examined with relevant scientific and governmental citations and examples that will separate myth from reality and emotion from fact. The presentation also dispels, with blistering clarity, the predominant falsehoods constantly peddled by drug legalizers, globalist sponsors, and their willing accomplices in the media that the so-called war on drugs has “failed” and that legalizing weed can produce anything other than catastrophic consequences to our culture. Lastly, the implications to the safety and security of our society is illustrated with unambiguous and powerful examples, along with a set of unapologetic steps necessary to protect our nation from the expanding crime and degradation inextricably linked to marijuana.

Stamm’s presentation has been described as “riveting” and “exceptionally persuasive.” Even High Times Magazine has attacked Stamm for his highly-effective and credible arguments that undermine their destructive messaging.

Why We Fight: Dope, Terror and the “War on Drugs”

“Why We Fight: Dope, Terror and the ‘War on Drugs’” is a (1 to 4 hour) presentation designed for law enforcement audiences to demonstrate the commonalities between drug trafficking organizations and terrorist groups around the world and how U.S. drug demand fuels both across the globe. Brief explanations of terrorist organizations such as the Colombian FARC and the Afghan Taliban are used to show how similar their methods of operation are to Mexican Cartels operating in the United States, and further, how they all utilize co-ethnic proxies in gangs and extended organizational cells to prey upon Americans here at home. The course also dispels, with blistering clarity, the various myths constantly peddled by drug legalizers and their willing accomplices in the media that the so-called war on drugs has “failed.” Lastly, the implications to the safety of U.S. law enforcement personnel—and our society—is illustrated with unambiguous and powerful examples.

The California Narcotics Officers’ Association has described Stamm’s presentation as nothing less than “a motivational and intellectual can of whip-ass for anyone engaged in drug control!”

Assault Upon America: Narcoterrorism and Its Enablers

“Assault Upon America: Narcoterrorism and Its Enablers” is a 2 to 4-hour presentation designed for law enforcement audiences to demonstrate the commonalities between drug trafficking organizations and terrorist groups around the world and how U.S. drug demand fuels both across the globe. Brief explanations of terrorist organizations such as the Colombian FARC and the Afghan Taliban are used to show how similar their methods of operation are to Mexican Cartels operating in the United States, and further, how they all utilize co-ethnic proxies in gangs and extended organizational cells to prey upon Americans here at home. Special Emphasis on how all of the Mexican Cartels have evolved in to Narcoterrorist Organizations and how they have incontrovertibly caused the Mexican nation to descend into a Narcostate. The course also boldly identifies those domestic social and political groups and individuals who have served as willing enablers of America’s current greatest national security threat. Lastly, the implications to the safety of U.S. law enforcement personnel—and our society—is illustrated with unambiguous and powerful examples.

The California Narcotics Officers’ Association has described Stamm’s presentation style as nothing less than “a motivational and intellectual can of whip-ass for anyone engaged in drug control!”

The Straight Dope: Drugs, the Border and the Assault on America

“The Straight Dope: Drugs, the Border and the Assault on America” is a compelling, fast-paced presentation designed for all audiences to demonstrate the current drug threat to the United States, especially as it pertains to Mexican Drug Cartels and their exploitation of weak governments and unsecure borders. Commonalities are also shown between drug trafficking organizations and international terrorist groups around the world and how U.S. drug demand fuels both across the globe. Brief explanations of terrorist organizations such as the Colombian FARC and the Afghan Taliban are used to show how similar their methods of operation are to Mexican narcoterrorists operating in the United States, and further, how they utilize co-ethnic proxies in gangs and extended organizational cells to prey upon Americans here at home. The presentation also dispels, with blistering clarity, the various myths constantly peddled by drug legalizers and their willing accomplices in the media that the so-called war on drugs has “failed.” Lastly, the implications to the safety and security of our society is illustrated with unambiguous and powerful examples, along with a set of unapologetic steps necessary to protect our nation from this existential threat.

Stamm’s presentation has been described as “incredibly enlightening and simultaneously frightening. One that needs to be heard by every American—now!”